Electricity generation by SOR regions
Australia generated around 247,109 GWh of electricity in the 2019 financial year, which included 196,723 GWh from fossil fuels and 50,386 GWh from renewable sources. In 2019 renewable energy made up 20.4 per cent of total generation, while in 2018 the proportion of renewable generation was 18.7 per cent.
The following chart presents Australian annual electricity generation (GWh) for each of the SOR regions for the 2019 financial year. It shows the supply of electricity by each major fuel type within the region rather than electricity consumption (or electricity demand). The supply of electricity captures metered generation from grid sources from the National Electricity Market and South-West Interconnected System. Supply to smaller networks, off-grid and behind the fence industrial loads have been estimated and included where possible.
For more details, please refer to the State of Regions 2019-2020 report.