NIEIR is the premier energy demand forecaster in Australia. Our demand forecasts cover a wide range of metrics including, but not limited to, energy consumption, customer numbers, and maximum or peak demand. These metrics are often disaggregated into various segments including, industry, location, customer, and technology. NIEIR is at the forefront of analysis into climate change policy, renewable energy policy, and energy efficiency policy.

High-voltage tower sky background

NIEIR produces high quality economic analysis of energy markets.  Our work in this area is underpinned by:

  • An extensive knowledge of energy markets
  • A strong connection with industry stakeholders
  • A close surveillance of the Australian and international markets and policies,
  • Large-scale collection and compilation of energy data
  • NIEIR’s own purpose-built energy models
NIEIR’s Energy Division undertakes a range of services including:

  • Energy modeling and forecasting
  • Analysis of public policy and government programs
  • Forensic data analysis
  • Energy markets and technology research
  • Critical reviews

Demand Forecasting

NIEIR is the premier energy demand forecaster in Australia.  NIEIR history of demand forecasting spans all of its 30 year history.  In the 1980s and early 1990s, NIEIR prepared economic and energy projections for consolidated state energy utilities such as Electricity Commission of NSW, State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Queensland Electricity Commission, Electricity Trust of South Australia, and State Electricity Commission of Western Australia.

In line with the restructuring of the Australian energy supply industry over the past 15-20 years, our client base has changed. NIEIR has a client base that includes most Australian network gas and electricity businesses.  Our clients also include organisations responsible for network/generation planning and energy markets management.

NIEIR regularly prepares energy demand forecasts for businesses and governmental organisations in the energy supply industry across Australia.   The Institute prepares industry-based forecasts and employs rigorous models of energy sales and demand.

See Case Study

Energy Policy Analysis

NIEIR uses its data sets and modeling systems to help clients analyze and update their policy. Econometric forecasts use mathematical techniques which rely on projecting past data trends, adjusted for estimates of future economic growth, incomes, energy prices, household formation and business structural trends. Sometimes, however, they may not reflect breaks from trends caused by new initiatives and new trends such as the uptake of renewable energy. Post-econometric modeling adjustments may be required.

See Case Study