To succeed, organizations need a deep understanding of their industries. Organizations need to be able to track changes and their implications. NIEIR has expertise integrating industry knowledge with economic analysis so that your organization has the support necessary to plan and execute changes.
NIEIR can use its regional data sets and modelling systems to assess the benefits of industrial and related developments to a region or state. These studies are an important part of assessing the case for the development of a project for both the company involved in the investment and the government departments responsible for approvals.
NIEIR has completed major studies about manufacturing in Australia. These include studies for industries such as automotive, chemical, metal fabrication and clothing and footwear. NIEIR has also conducted studies about manufacturing for regions, these studies describe the economic significance of manufacturing to a region such as Melbourne’s North. These studies describe the output, employment contribution, skills and future strategies for the manufacturing sector and provide the research foundation for decision makers in an industry or region.
Cultural and Creative
NIEIR has conducted a number of studies about the economic significance of cultural and creativity industries in Australia. These include economic impact analysis of major events such as exhibitions at the National Gallery of Victoria including Salvador Dali: Liquid Desire and Vienna: Art & Design and exhibitions at the Melbourne Museum including A Day in Pompeii and Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. NIEIR’s State of the Regions report has also investigated aspects of creativity and the knowledge economy on Australia’s regions.
Education and Training
Through its modelling of regional economies NIEIR can demonstrate that skilled households are critically important to successful economic development. This of course means encouraging educational attainment and lifelong learning and training activities. NIEIR has conducted a range of reports that assist organisations and governments to identify the benefits or shortcomings of education and training in a regional context.
NIEIR has long prosecuted the case for increasing infrastructure investment in Australia as a way to improve competitiveness, productivity and business opportunities across the nation. The State of the Regions reports (annual publication commissioned by the Australian Local Government Association) have highlighted the importance of infrastructure investment in regional Australia, telecommunications has been one form of infrastructure discussed in these reports.
As well as making the general case for various types of infrastructure development in Australia NIEIR conducts modelling and produces forecasts for governments around Australia that inform infrastructure planning. For the last 15 years NIEIR has produced a quarterly update of construction activity forecasts for Queensland for the Queensland Government’s Department of Public Works covering housing, commercial and infrastructure related construction activity.
Environment and Climate Change
NIEIR has conducted a number of studies that assess the impact of climate change on regional economies. These studies have considered such things as the additional costs of climate change caused by intensive and increasingly frequent weather events, the costs of infrastructure and changes to planning required to mitigate climate change, as well as the opportunities for industry created by a transition to a low carbon and innovation intense economy.
International Trade
NIEIR’s work includes the evaluation of the economic impact of free trade agreements, international trends in energy policy and their impacts, competition policy and environmental policy including the economics of climate change.
Innovation and Knowledge
NIEIR has always understood the significance of innovation, skills development and the knowledge economy as a way of diversifying Australia’s economic development. Projects in this area have included reports for industrial parks, incubators and knowledge economy strategies for regions such as Melbourne’s North.
Natural Resources
NIEIR can use its regional data sets and modelling systems to assess the benefits of industrial and related developments to a region or state. These studies are an important part of assessing the case for the development of a project for both the company involved in the investment and the government departments responsible for approvals.
Major events and M.I.C.E
NIEIR has a long term expertise in conducting economic impact studies for major events, including industry, cultural and sporting events. The analysis of events requires detailed surveys are conducted with participants, at some events as many as 5,000 surveys have been conducted. Clients are the event organisers or, in the case were events are receiving public funding or other forms of support, government departments.
View our Industry Economics and Analysis Case Studies today.